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Store | Cables and Connectors | Automated UT Systems | Scanners | UT Transducers

Slim Line Immersion Transducers

Slim Line Immersion Transducers are designed for many applications which require limited-size trnansducers.  The diameter is only 0.375". All slim line immersion transducers feature microdot connectors.

Frequency Element Size Part Numbers
(MHz) (Inch) (mm) G Series R Series
2.25 0.25 6 SLIG2-02 SLIR2-02
3.5 0.25 6 SLIG3-02 SLIR3-02
5.0 0.25 6 SLIG5-02 SLIR5-02
10.0 0.25 6 SLIG10-02 SLIR10-02
15.0 0.25 6 SLIG15-02 SLIR15-02
20.0 0.25 6 SLIG20-02 SLIR20-02
0.125 3 SLIG20-02 SLIR20-02
25.0 0.25 6 SLIG25-02 SLIR25-02
0.125 3 SLIG25-02 SLIR25-02

Store | Automated UT Systems | Scanners | UT Transducers | Cables and Connectors

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